Embedded Visual Basic 3 runtime & GPSTimeSync utility for C230

Tim Rude has put a significant amount of time and effort into a utility that reads the date and time from the GPS chip and relays that to the OS clock (the time displayed in the taskbar of your C230, as well as in any programs displaying the time).  The GPS chip has its own real-time clock that is unaffected by a hard-reset.   Apparently, this RTC gets updated whenever a satellite fix is acquired (by MioMap, SirfTech, BeeLineGPS, etc.) and remains reasonably accurate even when it’s been a while since the last satellite fix.

He has also written a program that installs eVB (embedded Visual Basic) Version 3 runtime files needed to accomodate his utility, and I think I speak for all of us in thanking him for sharing his efforts in this Blog!!!

He writes:

I’ve finally gotten back to working on the eVB runtime installer and have it all put together into a nice little easy to use utility.

You can download the eVB3Setup.zip from here:


It automatically installs and registers the necessary dll files so that programs written in embedded Visual Basic 3.0 will run on the Mio C230.

My GPSTimeSync utility is also ready for download too. It requires the eVB runtime files.

You can download it from here:  [edited by c230 to link to the latest version]


When you run GPSTimeSync for the first time, it needs to find your GPS port so it automatically opens the Comm Setup screen. Click the Auto-Scan for GPS Port button to let it find the correct Comm port and Baud rate for your device. Once it finds it, click OK. You won’t have to do this again.

Then the upper half of the screen will show the GPS time (in UTC or Greenwich Meridian Time zone). Click the Hour + or Hour – buttons to align it with your time zone. Once you’ve set this once, it remembers the hour offset for future use, even after a hard-reset.

The lower half of the screen will show what your Mio’s clock is currently set to. Simply click the Set Time button to set the date and time to match the GPS time and exit the utility.

Since the GPS chip keeps the current time even after a hard-reset, this utility makes it very easy to quickly set the Mio’s date and time after a hard-reset.

However, the eVB runtime files won’t survive a hard reset, since the Windows folder gets purged. That means you would need to re-run the eVB setup after each hard-reset in order to restore them.

For that reason, I keep the install directory on my SD card and the last step in my Autopatcher.mscr is to call the eVB installer.   [See the first comment below for additional information]




Tim has subsequently provided this link where eVB development software can be (legally) downloaded: 




  1. Tim Rude said

    I’ve updated the GPS Time Sync utility to now allow you to have it automatically set the date/time and then exit without user intervention.

    To do this, edit the ‘GPS Time Sync.ini’ file that gets automatically created after you first run the program and set AutoSet=1.

    From then on, whenever the utility is run it will pop up, get the date and time from the GPS chip, set the clock, and then exit. All usually within a matter of about 2-3 seconds or so. This allows you to add the utility to an automated startup script.

    If you want to go back to interactive behavior, simply edit the .ini file and set AutoSet=0.

    The new download link is below. (I’ve deleted the old download.)


    Tim Rude

  2. Fernando Alves said

    Thanks again, Tim!


  3. Fernando Alves said

    Hey Guys,

    I just got a Navigon 2100 and am trying out the Navigon software on my C230. It works perfectly and looks great. One thing, though. There’s no “exit” button on this software. From what I’ve seen around the net, it’s not just a lack of a button, there’s just no quit function at all. I was thinking that maybe a script could be written to launch the software and leave an invisible button somewhere on the screen, always on top of everything, that could be used to kill the process when you’re done. Any chance you have done something like this before? If a script won’t work, maybe an app could be written that would take coordinates from a settings file for a hidden button that could do this? (Hint for Tim! =) ).

    Let me know what you guys think…


  4. c230 said


    Before the exit button was incorporated into the MioMap skin, we had the same situation. If you download my original Unlock (select October or November of 2007 to save you some time) and read the very detailed blog, you’ll see that we used BananaPC to exit. Instead of having BananaPC on all of the time, you can script a Navigon.mscr to Run it prior to running the actual Navigon program, and like wise exit it after exiting Navigon.

    That should help you out until the Navigon skins are enhanced 🙂

    [P.S. Aren’t you the guy that was trying so hard to get rid of the minimized taskbar? If you can get the taskbar to remain minimized on top while running Navigon, you won’t need BananaPC, as you can get to the desktop from the taskbar.]

  5. Fernando Alves said

    Thanks Dan! BananaPC should do the trick. You mention somewhere that the BananaPC icons hide after a few seconds, but I don’t see that happening. Is there a command line switch to enable that?

  6. c230 said

    Version 3.2 of my Unlock was still using BananaPC. Here’s the MioMap script that you can adopt to Navigon. I don’t recall there being anything else needed.

    Errorlevel (“off” )

    If (ProcExists (“Keyb.exe” ))
    Close (MioTool)

    # Run BananaPC so MioMap can be closed without hard reboot.
    If (ProcExists (“BananaPC.exe” ))
    Close (BananaPC)

    Run (“\My Flash Disk\Script\BananaPC.exe” )

    RunWait (“\My Flash Disk\MioMap\MioMap2\MioMap.exe” )

    If (ProcExists (“BananaPC.exe” ))
    Close (BananaPC)

    SetChoiceEntryFormat(20,16,”Tahoma” )
    SetMessageFont(18,”Tahoma” )
    SleepMessage( 5, ” System will SOFT reset to insure stabilty. Nothing will be lost from memory.”, PROGRAM, 1)

    Run (“\My Flash Disk\Script\Keyb.exe” )

    # MioMap usually doesn’t quit cleanly. Soft reboot the machine.

  7. Fernando Alves said


    Unfortunately, BananaPC does not close the Navigon software. It will bring the taskbar to the front, so I can at least go a round-about way back to the desktop. Also, I cannot get the BananaPC buttons to hide after a while. They stay up there all the time. I wonder if this is a behavior of the version I have versus and older version (I have the most recent, 4.2c). I’ll have to find an older version and try it…

    There are a _ton_ of other task managers out there, but no other one that lets you specify a location for the icon. I’ll keep working on this problem and will post here if I find a solution.


  8. c230 said

    Leaving for Las Vegas for a week, so I won’t be promptly responding as I try to normally do, but anyways Fernando, try the BananaPC that is in my 3.2 Unlock, as that one behaved with MioMap “nicely”.

    Wish me luck 🙂 althought he main reason I’m going is to attend my brother’s wedding.

  9. Fernando Alves said

    Have a great trip and good luck at the casinos!

    Have fun,

  10. Fernando Alves said

    Hey Tim,

    After adding the eVB setup to my autopatcher file, I noticed on cold-boot that something doesn’t load properly when running your install. I *think* it’s PVBDecl.dll, but I’m not sure as the message box comes and goes pretty fast. Can you check it out?


  11. Tim Rude said

    I haven’t had any issues with it here. There was one file that wouldn’t register properly and I commented out the Regsvrce line for it but the others have all worked fine.

    By “doesn’t load properly” do you mean some error message occurs while installing the eVB runtimes? Or do you get the error message while trying to run an eVB program?

    If it’s happening at install time, try temporarily taking out the /s in each of the Regsvrce lines and then running the script. That keeps Regsvrce from running silently and will result in a message box as each file gets registered. That way you can see for sure which ones register properly and which ones don’t.

    Tim Rude

  12. Fernando Alves said


    Removed the /s and now I can see what happens. The very first thing that appears is this: “Application Error – Cannot find extension file pvbDecl.dll. Please run setup to restore this file.” After that, all the registrations of DLLs are successful. So it looks like some app that wants PVBDecl.dll is running before that DLL is registered and can’t find it. It’s weird that I only see the error box when this is run from the autopatcher script. I don’t see it if I run the installer from FileManCE, but I suppose that could just be that it’s coming up behind FileMan’s window. Any thoughts?


  13. Fernando Alves said

    BTW, I only see an error at install time. I have not seen the error when running the GPS Time Sync utility.


  14. Tim Rude said


    I don’t have an answer for you. PVBDecl.dll is part of the eVB runtime files but it isn’t the first file to get registered. The first one is fileosp.dll. Do you get the ‘registration successful’ message on fileosp.dll when the /s is removed?

    You might try moving the line that registers PVBDecl.dll so that it gets registered before any of the other files.

    I really don’t know why you’re getting an error message. I have never gotten it whether I run the installer from autopatcher or from FileManCE.

    FWIW, when I run it from autopatcher.mscr, I do it with the following line, rather than running the exe. I don’t know if that would make a difference to you or not.

    CallScript (“\Storage Card\eVB3Setup\eVB3Setup.mscr”)

    Tim Rude

  15. Tim Rude said

    Stinkin’ automatic emoticon-smilies! Curse the idiot who came up with that idea…

    That line from autopatcher is supposed to be:

    CallScript ( “\Storage Card\eVB3Setup\eVB3Setup.mscr” )

  16. Fernando Alves said


    Well, one of those things fixed the problem! I don’t know which because I made both changes at once and the problem went away. Yeah, yeah, I could go back and undo one to see which one did it, but I’m lazy… =)

    If I were a betting man, I would bet it’s the CallScript instead of Run that did the trick. Maybe I’ll try to find out tomorrow when I’m not half asleep. In any case, thanks for looking into it and the tip(s) to fix it.

    FYI, I found the solution that works for me vis-a-vis the taskbar issue. Using a version of ShowTaskbar.exe that toggles the bar’s visibility instead of always showing it, along with the removal of the keystroke to bring up the Start button, did the trick for me. This way, I can toggle the taskbar from its icon when I want it, and then make it go away. Now, if only I could get the screen tap sound to stick across hard resets… Yes, I have this in autopatcher:

    RegWriteDword (“HKCU” , “ControlPanel\Volume”, “Screen” , 00010002)

    Which should set it to on, with the “loud” setting, but like the old “always-on-top” setting, the registry shows the change after a hard reset, and the Sound Control Panel has the correct boxes ticked, but the sound isn’t there until you go to the Control Panel and toggle the setting. Geez!


  17. holdqwer said

    Nice to see some new avenues for this device.

    Do you think it is possible to use the c230 as a GPS USB peripheral in conjunction with say ‘streets and trips’ on a laptop? It’s tough to beat a 15 inch screen sometimes.

    What do you think?

  18. HaCo said

    I’m back again. This is interesting, as I want to make a stopwatch application for my MIO. The problem is, I don’t have embedded Visual Studio 3.0. Could someone provide me with this, send me a mail please, so we can arrange this.
    Thank you very much!

  19. HaCo said

    That is embedded Visual Basic of course, not Visual Studio, sorry for that. 🙂

  20. Fernando Alves said

    Hey Tim,

    I was asked if it’s possible to make the GPSTimeSync utility into an executable so that eVB doesn’t need to be installed. Can eVB programs be compiles into EXEs?


  21. Fernando Alves said


    Another question… Can the silent version not bring up the interface, but just be invisible?


  22. Tim Rude said


    No, eVB programs cannot be compiled into EXE’s. eVB programs are ‘compiled’ in that the source code is converted into pseudocode, but you must have the runtime files installed in order to run an eVB program. That’s the trade-off. eVB programs are relatively easy to create, but require the runtime modules in order to work. On the other hand, the download I cited above also includes eMbedded Visual C++, which can make EXE files. However, you have to know how to program in C++, which is MUCH different than eVB.

    As for the fully silent mode with no visible interface, why? I only run it after a hard reset and I kind of like seeing that it’s doing its thing.

    Tim Rude

  23. Tim Rude said

    Oops. I made reference to “the download I cited” which is where the eVB development environment can be downloaded from, but didn’t provide the URL. For some reason, WordPress doesn’t accept a comment with that URL in it. Odd…

    I’ve emailed Ameridan privately about it.

    Tim Rude

  24. Tim Rude said

    I think the problem may be with the way WordPress tries to parse a URL. So I’m posting the URL with spaces between each letter, which should prevent WordPress from treating it as a URL, but also means that you have to manually type the address (minus all of the spaces) into your browser to use it.

    h t t p : / / c o b w e b . e c n . p u r d u e . e d u / ~ v i p / d e v _ t o o l . h t m l

    [added by ameridan – a working link also posted at the bottom of the blog]

    This is the URL where the eVB development software can be downloaded (which HaCo asked about). You can also download the PocketPC 2002 SDK and emulator there, which I use when writing eVB programs.

    Tim Rude

  25. Fernando Alves said


    You have to love Notepad++’s TextFX. Removed all the spaces with one menu selection!

    Anyway, thanks for the link. I’m downloading the EMbedded Visual Tools to take a look. I think that GPSTimeSync is fine as is. Would it be handy to have it as an EXE? Sure. Is it worth converting to C++ so you can give it away for free? Probably not! =)


  26. c230 said

    I’m back guys. My brother was a widower, but now has tied the knot again to a very nice lady. My wife and I attended an evening wedding on July 4th in their Las Vegas Summerlin backyard with a view of the entire Las Vegas valley, including the strip and all of the various firework displays!!

    And the Grand Canyon South Rim the day before… That vacation will last me a while. 🙂

    Anyways, the link that Tim wanted to post has been addended to the Blog (up above) and I see that I’ve got a lot of catching up to do too.


    I also noted that I’m able to display the URL in my comment Tim; funny you can’t do it??? Did you forget to add a space after the end of the URL? That seems to be common practice to get URLs to show up in emails too.

  27. Fernando Alves said

    Welcome back. Sounds like you had a good time!

    Was it unbearably hot?


  28. c230 said

    Thanks. 112 degrees in Michigan would be unbearable, but suprisingly, no it wasn’t unbearable. When we got home at 11:30 pm it had cooled down to 101 yet we were all outside the whole time, dancing and no one was sweating. That was my first experience with “dry” heat.

  29. Fernando Alves said


    101 at 11:30 pm is pretty unbearable in my book. And I’m no temp wimp. Before moving to Iowa, I lived in LA for 15 years! I know all about dry heat. =)


  30. Fernando Alves said


    Here’s a bug report for GPSTimeSync: On my Navigon 2100, the utility has been reporting back a time of 5:59:47 pm of October 28, 2006. I know I had GPS lock yesterday, so it should have the correct time in the chip. I’ve also heard from others, on Mio devices, that are seeing the same problem. Is this a bug in GPSTimeSync or some other artifact that may or may not be fixable? Let me know!


  31. Tim Rude said


    Which mode is your GPS chip running in: NMEA mode or SiRF mode?

    GPSTimeSync is able to work in either mode, but I’ve noticed some minor flakiness if the GPS chip is in SiRF mode. With NMEA mode, I can get the date and time repeatedly from the chip and it’s consistent. But with SiRF mode, it seems to get a little bit inaccurate when getting the data from the chip multiple times. I’ve only had it get off by a minute or two though.

    I think this must be something with the chip itself – not GPSTimeSync. All the program does is open the port and start reading the data that the GPS chip spews out. It waits until it has received two instances of the date/time data sequence, and then it closes the port and returns with the information that the GPS chip gave it.

    It may be that your GPS chip isn’t providing accurate information as soon as it starts up. Maybe we need to wait for a few more instances of the date/time sequence to let it stabilize. I don’t know.

    Try running SirfTech on your unit and watch to see if it shows the date/time accurately *prior* to getting a satellite fix.


    Tim Rude

  32. Fernando Alves said


    It looks like the chip on the Navigon does not remember the correct date and time after a hard reset. I used SiftTech and could only get the correct info if I got a satellite signal… How do the chips on the C230 do it? Do they suck battery power continuously? I guess the Navigon must interrupt power completely when powered down. BTW, the default for the Navigon is NMEA, not SiRF.

    Though this may explain what’s going on with my 2100, does it explain what’s happening to others with Mio units. Not C230s necessarily, though.

    If you think of anything else or want me to try something, let me know.


  33. Tim Rude said


    I don’t know how much power the C230’s GPS chip uses to keep its clock running. I wouldn’t think it would take very much, considering that a tiny battery can keep your wristwatch running for a year or better.

    Bummer about the Navigon’s GPS chip not keeping the time current though. If you’re seeing with SirfTech that the date/time isn’t correct until you get a satellite fix then there’s nothing more we can do to make GPSTimeSync work for you. The whole premise of the program is to get the time from the GPS chip without waiting for a satellite fix, and if that premise doesn’t hold true on your unit then the utility just won’t be useful on it. 😦

    FWIW, the default GPS mode on the C230 is NMEA also, although some use a utility like SirfTech to switch to SiRF mode. That’s why I wrote GPSTimeSync to work in either mode.

    I haven’t heard any feedback from other Mio users about issues they’ve experienced. The only other Mio users I “know” are the ones posting comments to Ameridan’s and Amida’s blogs. If you know of other Mio users who are using GPSTimeSync and having problems with it, please point them here so I can try to address them.

    Tim Rude

  34. Fernando Alves said

    Thanks Tim. I’ve asked that anyone else with problems post here directly. Being the middleman is not too much fun! =)


  35. Fernando Alves said


    Have you seen an issue where you have to set GPSTimeSync off by an hour to account for daylight savings? Is GPSTimeSync aware of DST?


  36. Tim Rude said

    GPSTimeSync does not account for DST. When you specify the hour offset (by using the Hour + and Hour – buttons), it uses that same offset until you change it. The hour offset is how much the UTC time returned by the GPS clock is adjusted to match local time.

    Since DST is a localized setting that varies by time zone and UTC time doesn’t fluctuate for DST, this effectively means that when DST changes in your locale, you will need to increment or decrement the hour offset.

  37. HaCo said

    A W E S O M E!!!

    Tim, thanks a lot for providing the link. I can finally make some apps for my c230, also thanks to your eVB runtime installer!

    Many, many thanks for this!!!

    Greetz from Belgium,

  38. Fernando Alves said

    Hey Tim,

    Can SetSystemMemoryDivision.exe be used to allocate memory the other way? In other words, I want to increase the Program memory and _decrease_ the Storage memory. I looked at the code you wrote for SetSystemMemoryDivision.exe and it looks like your argument has to be greater than 1. Is it possible to modify SetSystemMemoryDivision.exe to do what I want? I know this sounds weird, but I’m working on a device now (Navigon 7100) that actually has way more storage than program memory!

    Let me know,

  39. Tim Rude said

    It’s my understanding that the program simply sets the division point to be whatever you specify. So if 4MB of storage memory was what you wanted, you would use the same command to set it to that, regardless of whether you started out with 1MB or 8MB allocated. The storage memory allocation is then either increased or reduced as necessary to end up with what you specified.

    i.e., SetSystemMemoryDivision.exe 4 sets the storage area to 4MB, regardless of what it was prior to that.

    The parameter for the SetSystemMemoryDivision.exe utility should be a whole number of 1 or more. I didn’t write that utility. I just found it and passed on the link to it.

    The code I used in the eVB3Setup script simply checks to see how much storage memory is needed to hold the files already in the storage area plus the eVB runtime files plus a little bit of fudge-factor, and then passes that parameter to the SetSystemMemoryDivision.exe utility. My code doesn’t care how big the storage area is at the moment. It only looks at what’s actually used.

    Tim Rude

  40. Fernando Alves said


    Unfortunately, SetSystemMemoryDivision.exe doesn’t work that way. I tried it and I get no change in my memory allocation… I have a feeling it only adds to the storage space, it won’t subtract if it’s already larger than the size specified. If you know of a different solution to my bizarre problem of having too much storage and not enough program memory, I’d love to hear it!


  41. Tim Rude said

    It works as I described it on the Mio C230. I just took my C230, set the storage memory to 8MB (using the System applet in Control Panel), then ran SetSystemMemoryDivision.exe 4.

    When I went back to the System applet in Control Panel, the storage memory was reduced to 4MB, as expected. However, if you try to use SetSystemMemoryDivision.exe to size the storage memory smaller than what is being used, the command is ignored.

    Perhaps there’s some reason your Navigon device has to have more storage memory. Are you able to adjust it to a smaller value using the System applet in your Control Panel? How much data is actually stored in your storage memory?

    Tim Rude

  42. Fernando Alves said

    You’re right, It does work! I’ve figured out why I thought it didn’t work. The Navigon 7100 has an app called ST.exe that needs to run so that the power button works. I’m sure it does other things too, and it looks like one of the things it does is to reset the memory allocation to the crazy default of this unit. I’m only using less than 1MB in storage, so I don’t need 30MB of storage! Anyway, I’ll just have to run SetSystemMemoryDivision.exe after I run ST.exe.

    Thanks for the help!


  43. HaCo said

    Hi guys,
    Not completely related, but with eVB I made a stopwatch program for rallying. Every time a car passes a specific point, the program notes the time difference with the first car that passed. I first tried the whole thing with a timer, but the timer was lagging a lot, so it wasn’t accurate. In the help file I found it was counting 18 times/sec, so I made the times loop 500msecs (which is 9 times, so it must be perfectly acurate), but also that was lagging a lot.
    So I changed my mind, simply using the system time, unfortunately it only gives me seconds and not 10th of a second. Is there a way to read out 10th of a second for example from the GPS?

  44. Nirapada said

    First of all, thank you very much for your effort to write this Gps time sync. I have been able to run it and set the time. I have set the time using this utility and changed AutoSet to 1. But when I hard reset, the time is gone. I tried to find out what else need to be done, but could not quite understand. Do I need to include something like “CallScript ( “\Storage Card\eVB3Setup\eVB3Setup.mscr” )” and something simlar for GPSTimeSync.exe ?

    Please help,

  45. Tim Rude said


    Since GPSTimeSync is an eMbedded Visual Basic program, the eVB runtime files must be installed before you can run it. When you hard-reset your unit, the Windows folder and registry are reset too (which wipes out the installed eVB files).

    So yes, in order to make effective use of the utility you should have your Autopatcher script call the eVB3Setup.mscr script as it’s last task. It should be last since eVB3Setup.mscr does a soft-reset so anything you had in Autopatcher after calling eVB3Setup.mscr would not get run.

    That way you can run GPSTimeSync right away after a hard-reset and be ready to go.

    Tim Rude

  46. Nirapada said

    Hi Tim,
    Thanks for your reply. I tried putting
    CallScript ( “\Storage Card\eVB\eVB3Setup\eVB3Setup.mscr” ) before the last line [ i.e. Reset ], in that case after hard-reboot and unlock, the reset screen is not going away — I do not get the main-menu screen back. I tried removing “Reset” and putting this call as the last line — because this callScript does reset. No luck. Same behaviour.
    Am I missing something ?

    Also, where do I put the call to the GpsTimeSync utility ? Do I have to invoke it manually everytime I had reboot ?

  47. Tim Rude said

    What do you mean by “the reset screen is not going away”? What “reset screen”?

    If you leave out the eVB setup stuff, does your Autopatcher script work properly – rebooting your unit at the end and coming up to the screen you want? If not, you need to fix that first. Maybe download the latest unlock package and apply it fresh.

    Once Autopatcher is working properly, then replace the last line (which should be ‘Reset’ with the Callscript line.

    As for calling the GPSTimeSync utility, I created an icon for it on the desktop. At the moment, I don’t have mine auto-run it.

  48. Nirapada said

    By “reset screen” I mean the screen you get when you do soft-reset just before getting your desktop. And yes, If I leave out eVB stuff, autopatcher works perfectly.

    I would have loved to download the latest unlock package but I did lot of changes in terms of adding new icon, making changes on where the exe’s will reside, making multiple screens depending on which group it belongs to [ I defined them ] etc. etc. Now, if I download the new package, I have to redo all those, that is why I am little sceptic.
    In any case, when you try auto-running the GPSTimeSync utility, please update us. To me, auto-running it will really add value to the utility.

    I will keep checking this page.

    Thank you very much,

  49. Nirapada said

    I changed Errorlevel to “error”, to see what is going on. Then I am getting “Empty variable name not allowed” error and it shows the line where I am calling CallScript(), any ideas ?

  50. Nirapada said

    Hi Tim,
    I failed on adding this in the autopatcher.
    If possible, can you please provide me the commands to add eVB setup as an icon on desktop ? I tried to add it but could not.


  51. Nirapada said


    If I decide to unlock it again with the latest unlocker, which one do you suggest ?

    How to Unlock Mio C230 Release 4.1


    https://c230.wordpress.com/2008/02/01/114/ — I thought I have this already. Is there any way to verify ?


  52. Nirapada said

    I unlocked the MIO with release4.1 and even then I am getting the same errors [ Empty Variable name not allowed,and then pressing OK gives me invalid parameter count error and it is not loading Visual basic, so I cannot run GPSTimeSync utility.
    The only difference with 4.1 is I am getting back the main desktop after that.

    Any ideas ?

  53. Nirapada said

    I am able to add to desktop shortcuts to invoke vb as well as TimeSync though.


  54. JJ said

    Is there a way to implement DPMS without unlocking the c230? In other words, can someone post a list of the hacks I need to make in order just add this DPMS functionality to my unlocked C230?

  55. kruuth said

    I need some help. Does anyone know where I can get maps for Japan for the C230 or make one? I’m traveling between Japan and the US a lot now and it would come in handy to just have 1 GPS.

  56. c230 said

    I’ll allow your [off-topic] comment regarding a japan map, but unless the solutions are legal, I may have to delete.

    Anyways, if you own 2 Mio GPS units ( a US version and a Japan version, should there be such a product), then you might be able to transfer the license and Japan map file to your SD card for combined usage.

  57. Tim Rude said


    Sorry for the delayed reply. I’m guessing that when you added the CallScript line to your autopatcher.mscr file, you did a copy and paste from this blog, right? If so, delete the line you pasted in and retype it yourself. When you copy and paste from here, it messes with the double-quotes.

    Tim Rude

  58. Tim Rude said


    You also asked about auto-running GPSTimeSync. I finally took a minute to do this.

    First you have to make sure that in the GPSTimeSync.ini file you set AutoSet=1 so that it will automatically exit after setting the time.

    Then you add the following lines to your Script.mscr (if you copy and paste these line, delete and retype the double-quotes to avoid problems):

    If(FormatTime( “Y” ) lt “2008” )
    RunWait(“\My Flash Disk\Script\GPSTimeSync.vb” )

    With these lines, if the year is less than 2008 it is assumed that the date and time aren’t correct and GPSTimeSync needs to run. If the year is 2008 or later it is assumed that the date and time are already correct GPSTimeSync does not run. This way GPSTimeSync doesn’t have to run everytime you do a soft-reset.

    I put those lines just before the lines that load the Keyb.exe utility and Startup.exe. I’ve included the contents of my entire Script.mscr file below.

    Tim Rude

    === Script.mscr ===

    Errorlevel ("syntax" )

    # Wait (up to 5 sec) for MainShell.exe to load
    WaitFor("MainShell" , 5)

    # Minimize MainShell
    If(WndExists("MainShell" ))
    Minimize("MainShell" )

    If (ProcExists ("StartUp.exe" ))
    Kill("StartUp.exe" )

    SetVolume (26)

    # Make sure taskbar is visible
    Run("My Flash Disk\Script\ShowTaskbar.exe" )

    If(FormatTime("Y") lt "2008" )
    RunWait("\My Flash Disk\Script\GPSTimeSync.vb" )

    Run("\My Flash Disk\Script\Keyb.exe" )
    Run("\My Flash Disk\Script\StartUp.exe" )

  59. c230 said


    Thanks for your support in this thread and your patience! I’ve gone thru the same frustrations with this blog, but WordPress’s reliability and support have been great. I’ve fixed all of the ” ) for you which if typed normally turn into “) winking smiley faces.

    You’ve developed some great stuff 🙂 (intentional smiley)

  60. JJ said

    C230, do you know where I can find the scripts to add/modify to be able to implement DPMS on an unlocked C230? Any help that you can provide is greatly appreciated.

  61. c230 said

    My Unlock has the icon shortcut built-in, so I’m not sure what you are asking. There really is no script to turn off the display while keeping activated program(s) running – the icon is simply a shortcut to \My Flash Disk\Script\DPMS.exe that toggles the display off and back on. I hope this helps you.

    P.S. Looking back at the first time you asked the DPMS question, it sounds like you’d like to add the function of DPMS to a locked C230, not an unlocked unit. Yes you could do this by changing the MioMap skin as I did to add TCPMP controls. Not a bad idea, but using the taskbar we can accomplish this using my Unlock as-is.

  62. JJ said

    Sorry, I keep referring to my unit as “unlocked” when it is in fact “locked.” My goal is to just add the DPMS functionality to my locked unit. Do you think that this is even possible?

  63. c230 said


    This thread is really for Tim’s GPSTimeSync, but just to wrap-up (also see the P.S. I had added to my comment above while you were probably typing), yes it could be done, but I would suggest you check out my LITE version instead and work the DPMS into the Clock screen instead, if you don’t want the full desktop and all the other programs.

    Dan (c230)

  64. Nirapada said


    Thank you very much for your detailed reply. I did re-type everything manually but the call in autopatcher still doesn’t work. It seems there is some particular problem with my box. Can you please suggest anything else ?


  65. Tim Rude said


    You earlier posted that the line you’re using to try to run the eVB setup utility from Autopatcher.mscr is:

    CallScript ( "\Storage Card\eVB\eVB3Setup\eVB3Setup.mscr" )

    I know this is obvious, but have you checked to make sure that the path is correct?

    Confirm: You have a folder in the root of your SD card named eVB. In that folder you have another folder named eVB3Setup. Inside that folder you have the eVB3Setup.mscr file, other files, and the eVBFiles folder.

    Assuming that you’ve got the line in autopatcher typed correctly, your directory structure on the SD card is as you specify, and that the SD card isn’t corrupted (have you tried a different SD card?), it should work. If it isn’t working, I haven’t got a clue why not.

    Tim Rude

  66. Nirapada said

    Hi Tim,
    Whatever you said was right and it was not working. I removed eVB directory and changed autopacher accordingly with no luck. But finally I got it working as follows — do not know why.
    1) First I copied the whole directory to Flash and changed autopatcher like:
    Run(“\My Flash Disk\eVB3Setup\eVB3Setup.exe” )

    This was working, so I changed it to “CallScript….mscr”, that was working.
    Then I changed it back to

    Run(“\Storage Card\eVB3Setup\eVB3Setup.exe” ) and then
    CallScript(“\Storage Card\eVB3Setup\eVB3Setup.mscr” )

    All of these started working…. I have happy now. Thank you very much.

  67. calculici said

    Need some help with the installation of MioMap on Novogo. I did it but I have 2 problems: sound and battery indicator. Can u help?

  68. c230 said

    Not having a “Navago”, I can’t help, but I approved your comment in case other reader(s) might be able to lend a hand.

    I see that amida bought a Navigon 2100 and he’ll be amending his Unlock to work on the Navigon. See http://www.kombitz.com/2008/09/26/navigon-2100-at-a-glance/ for more.

    For the $$ involved, I may try one myself. 🙂

  69. calculici said

    My problem isn’t related to Novogo especially. The Novogo Navigation Software is a Igo/MioMap clone. So I need general advice. The is a little bit jerky and the battery indicator doesn’t show the real battery chargement. Do you understand now?

  70. Mio_cache said

    Geocaching with Mio C230:

    Unlocked my Mio and been real happy with it – thank you! Tried Geocaching and found BeelinGPS marginally operational. It turns out that if I reconfigure the GPS to NMEA it works out a ton better. (My setting is = NMEA, port 2, 57600). Now the “Static Navigation” is deactivated and I can actually get an update without having to run around before I get an update. I may have missed this configuration step but I have it now.

    Again Thanks!


  71. nirapada said

    Hi Tim,
    After long time, I had to re-do the unlocking again with the latest/greatest versions of unlocking tools and skins. Now, I have a problem where whenever I “exit” out of a GPS skin, time setting gets lost. I have set it to automatically set the time [for hard/soft reset] and that is working. Only case that is not spoiling this setting is when I “exit” out of GPS,

    Do you have any idea what could be happening ? Is there any script where I can add the GPSTimeSync so that it sets it again when “exiting” out ?

    Thank you very much,

  72. nirapada said

    Hi Tim,
    Never mind, I added the call to GPSTimeSync in MioNav.mscr and the problem is taken care of.

    Thanks much,

  73. Nirapada said

    Hi Tim, I am not sure if you are following this thread anymore but I was too quick to say that the problem was resolved. Now, with the above call introduced, time settings gets lost whenever I start any GPS skins, it does come back [because of the call I introduced] to correct setting when I exit out though. But now another problem is, even if I undo the above change, when I start a gps skin, time setting gets lost, it just gets the UTC time. Before the skin was loaded time was correct though. I do not know what is going on here. Who is screwing up with the time settings. I would appreciate your help.


  74. Nirapada said

    Looks like the problem is with the unlock software. I did redo everything again and here is what I found out. With MIO not unlocked and time set to Pacific Time [timezone :4], I am getting the right time [day light savings not taken care of] all the time. With unlocking, even before I use automated GPSTimeSync, the time is getting reset to “Eastern Time” [three hours difference with us] whenever I enter/exit out of MioMap [GPS]. This is of course same even with automated GPSTimeSync utility. I am wondering if there is something in the “unlock” that is causing this because what is noticed is, once GPS skin is started, the correct time stays for couple of seconds and then suddenly it changes to Eastern time. Any ideas ? Thanks much.

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